Proud Supporter of – Upside Nepal

Darren has been an avid supporter of Upside, a not-for-profit organisation working in Nepal, since 2010 when he took his first trip there with friend and Upside founder Calum Foulner. In a whirl wind two week trip through some of the most remote locations, Darren was shown the ways in which Upside assists struggling rural…


Now stocking the New and Improved PROP GOLD

PROPGOLD is a two-coat system comprising an anti-corrosive Primer Coat and a Foul Release Coating (Clear Coat). The Clear Coat is a non-biocidal, low energy coating, which prevents organisms strongly adhering to the surface of the propeller and fast moving components directly exposed to water. Organisms can be easily dislodged once the boat is placed…

Scott George from Dazzling Marine

New Recruit – Scott George

Dazzling Marine would like to formally introduce you to our new recruit, Scott George (left) and his long term partner Shelley. While the official news is a few months over due, we were successful in our application for Scotts’ 457 VISA. Scott and Shelley aren’t new to Australia, let alone Perth for that matter. They…
